Remember way back in 2000, when the republicans were pushing the hogwash that Bush would be the first "CEO President"? Uh-huh, I guess he was snoozing through all of those business classes... or just skipped them, like he skipped the meetings on the Iraq war in the White House.
Not that we didn't know this already, but there was an article in the paper today about some of the vast mis-management that is still going on in Iraq...
A former Iraqi official estimated yesterday that more than $13 billion meant for reconstruction projects in Iraq was wasted or stolen through elaborate fraud schemes.
Salam Adhoob, a former chief investigator for Iraq's Commission on Public Integrity, told the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, an arm of the Democratic caucus, that an Iraqi auditing bureau "could not properly account for" the money.
While many of the projects audited "were not needed -- and many were never built," he said, "this very real fact remains: Billions of American dollars that paid for these projects are now gone."
So now, with that in mind, these jokers are seriously asking the taxpayers to hand over $700+ billion (with a "b") to them? Oh, and by the way, the stipulation is that the Bush administration can spend that money however they see fit, with absolutely no oversight. If this goes through, the headlines from two years from now just sort of write themselves don't they?
Seriously, is Congress going to fall for this song and dance again? The "mushroom cloud" that Colin Powell destroyed his reputation to describe is now morphed in to "financial collapse" from the lips of Henry Paulson. Can we believe a word these guys say???